Wednesday, August 12, 2015

No Deal with Iran

For those of us who fought for our nation, it is pretty simple - we don't make deals with people or governments who chant "death to America" and kill our troops.   A world view that thinks you can reason and talk to our enemies will surely get us in a war not prevent one.   Since our President thinks he can talk and reason with Iran, the deal is still bad; we get  nothing not even our people out who are being held, and we make sure Iran has funds for a  new round of terror in the Mid East.  The administration is pulling out all the stops to get congress to approve this deal, including asking retired general officers to show their support.  Many of our general officers had political careers as they rose to higher rank.  Many are not  warriors.  General Barry McCaffrey is a warrior general who I served with, he has come out against the Iran agreement.   I share his email below.   Veterans, we  need to step up and warn our nation of the futility of trying to appease our enemies.

From: Barry McCaffrey
Subject: Iran Nukes--White House Request
Date: August 4, 2015 at 11:43:35 PM EDT
4 August 2015


In my view the Iran nuke deal is a deeply flawed agreement. Cannot sign your letter of support by retired senior officers to support the White House position.

The agreement is opposed by our Allies ---Israel and the Gulf States. Greeted with joy and relief by the Iranians.

No linkage to the increased threat from billions of dollars flowing into Iran and reinforcing their conventional muscle.

Inadequate inspection regime.

Zero possibility to "snap back" economic sanctions.

Legitimizes Iran as a nuclear power in 15 years.

We are in a bad place. Better to have not had an agreement. The Iranians will have a nuclear program with or without this agreement.

The option was not war. The option was walling Iran off for another decade--- and threatening nuclear retaliation if they attacked their Sunni neighbors will nuclear weapons.

This agreement will likely accelerate nuclear proliferation in the region. The Sunni Arab states will want a nuclear deterrence to the Persian Shia capability.

Do not support this agreement. Probably too late to back out. We have shed our allies.

Feel free to share this email as you wish.

Barry McCaffrey

General USA (Ret)