Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Benghazi and Pearl Harbor

I have just read over one hundred pages of the Benghazi Report and I see some striking similarities to the history that surrounds Pearl Harbor.    First, a disregard for obvious signals that increased security was needed and the threat was mounting.  Second,  a failure to respond as soon as the attack began as was clearly shown in the report.   Third, the order to the military to "deploy" and take action to rescue those in Benghazi by the SECDEF, and for some reason that still us unknown, was not followed.  No forces were sent!
Those who say it was too late to do anything totally disregard that the length of the battle was unknown, and in fact in thirteen hours help could have reached the battle.   The report also mentioned a failure of DOD to respond on what SOF forces were in the area, those assets were not defined and the committee could not get a clear answer.   I wonder if there were AC-130s available that could have, by themselves, saved our people.
Benghazi was a failure of the national command authority on many fronts down through the chain of command and should be examined closely just as it was in Pearl Harbor where we saw people get fired.   The DOD Inspector General should retrace the steps that took place because the ball was dropped.
Hillary Clinton has responsibility for Benghazi and the people of this country should not even consider hiring her as our Commander in Chief.