Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Winning in Afganistan

Very frustrating to listen to the "experts" talking about there not being a road to victory in Afghanistan; not true!   They talk about the inability of our forces to win over the Taliban and Isis, but they fail to realize that the main reasons are the rules of engagement and providing safe sanctuary in Pakistan for the enemy.   So simple, if we want to win, we simply go where they are and kill them.  We should have learned that lesson from history, but our country is so concerned about the cost that we fight ten year wars without winning.  I was in Vietnam in 1964, and we could have won that war quickly, but our leaders did not  have the courage politically to take out North Vietnam, and then they were able, with Russian help, to get an air defense system that cost us many lives;  that would  not have happened in 1964.  I only hope that our new administration has the guts to do what it takes to win.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Our country remains divided over the results of the 2016 election; the losing side continues to be focused on opposing  our elected President.   We have heard Hillary Clinton refer to being part of the "resistance", and now our former President has created a new non profit organization to bring about change in America and fight the new administration on all fronts.   This has never happened in our history where we have a losing side in an election decide to resist the lawful government.   We have already seen the attacks on our new President as he works to carry out the agenda that elected him.  The opposition party has put resistance ahead of country and refuses to work to make America better.   It is a sad state of affairs, but more than that organized resistance can border on treason and should be carefully watched.  The citizens of our country must not allow any further erosion of patriotism and loss of civility in America.