Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Courageous Christian Leadership

I just attended a conference in San Diego that focused on Christian leadership in challenging times. Well known speakers expressed the importance of the faith element being restored in our nation. Two speakers who are well known military heroes in their own right shared their story. Each acknowledged the need for a resurgence of faith in America. One was a part of the battle in Somalia that was shown in the movie "Black Hawk Down"; the other was a POW from the Vietnam War. Both faced death and hardship that defined them as believers in the sufficiency of God in their lives. I was challenged to realize that all the pleas to citizens to be active and involved in the political process is not the answer without adding the faith discussion. So, as I encourage Veterans to wake America up to the dangers in our world, and to be active in the fall political battles to select new leaders in congress who understand the times, I will also discuss the underlying foundation of faith as part of the solution to a better America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean your primary vote aligned with your blog statement in a vote for Hadian for Governor ?