Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Clear Choice

The choice in this 2012 election could not be clearer for voters. People vote based on different issues, but surveys tell us the key issue this year is our economic demise. The differences in the two candidates and their platforms on the issues is starkly different. Here are some examples: The Economy - President Obama would continue to ignore the free enterprize/business model in favor of more government intervention. Governor Romney understands that the government model has not worked in the past four years, he has the experience and goal of vitalizing the private sector, and creating 12 million jobs. Social Issues - Governor Romney is a man of faith, the platform recognizes our rights come from God, and our nation has been blessed by Him. Governor Romney believes marriage is between one man and one women, and is strongly pro-life. President Obama had to intercede at the Democratic convention to get the mention of God back in the platform. President Obama supports Gay marriage, even when 31 states have rejected it, and he is pro-choice, favoring abortion. National Security - President Obama proposes massive cuts in our defense, he has exercised a policy of appeasement to our enemies, apologizing for America's role in world. His platform failed to mention Jerusulem as the capital of Israel until he had it changed on the floor of the convention. Governor Romney understands the world wants and needs America to lead, and to lead from a positon of strength, he favors more not less defense spending, his platform recognizes Jerusulem as the capital of Israel. No matter which key issue determines a vote, the choice is clear in all the three key areas of issues. We must elect Governor Romney in November.

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