Monday, January 13, 2014


Today's release of further testimony on the Benghazi attack cries out for a select committee to demand answers to what is a cover up by senior government officials and agencies.  There are three issues that need to be addressed:  first, lack of security and preparation at our consulate (people should be fired), second a failure to define what had occured and a false narrative given to the American people about a video, and third why no rescue was attempted.  The rescue failure should be of concern to all veterans, too many conflicting stories as to resources available and forces being delayed.  A Select Committee needs to trace the actions or lack of action from the notification of the attack to the National Command Authority within fifteen minutes up the chain of command.  Someone failed to make a decision and that caused lives to be lost.   We must keep the pressure on our leaders to uncover the truth about Benghazi, no matter how  high up it goes.

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