Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

All veterans should sit up and take notice of our Commander in Chief's recent actions.  He made a trade for one US soldier, held hostage as a deserter from his unit five years ago, for five Taliban leaders, all dangerous individuals we had captured and put in prison.  We have seen proof that this soldier left his unit and was a deserter or worse (as stated by those in his unit).   The president took unilateral action outside of the law for informing congress, and aided the enemy by releasing high value prisoners.   How can that not be a failure and dereliction of duty on his part.  It is hard to believe that our President would be involved in such a blatant act against his country in a time of war and not be held accountable by the people.   As veterans, we understand this situation better than most, and we need to sound the alarm before this country continues to decline on the world stage from what America has always been.

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