Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Real Story Needs Telling

The current use of air power is a disgrace to those who fly and have flown for our country.  We hear of ISIS moving 9,000 troops and 75 or more vehicles to attack a Kurdish city, and we fly 3 or 4 air strikes; our total air strikes have not reached what we have flow  many times in one day.  We are using expensive "smart bombs" on vehicles one at a time, what a waste.  Where are the A-10s, Apaches, and AC 130s?   The ISIS movement is in the open on roads and would be a fighter pilot's dream mission.  I believe the rules of engagement are coming from the POTUS a limit on our forces that will cost thousands of lives.   Military people know what should be  happening, yes there is a case for troops on the ground, but the use of air power in a desert environment can deny the enemy movement and inflict huge losses.   As a retired military veteran, it disturbs me greatly to see this whole political exercise play out at the expense of our military reputation and the loss of civilian lives from ISIS.

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