Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Our country is in trouble!

 Do Americans see what is happening to our country?    We have a president who refuses to lead and make decisions for the good of the country; he is totally political and living in his own world.   A few examples:

1. Our military is being downsized, navy ships, fighter aircraft and ground forces in the face of a rising China threat and Russia threatening us with nuclear war.  Appeasement with a smaller military is a dangerous direction.

2. Energy policy that thinks wind and solar can end the oil and gas industry is naive and dangerous.

3. Open border is also dangerous; drugs and crime increasing and immigrants being spread thoughout the country with no way of knowing who they are. Why don't we go after the cartels and take them down?

4. Government spending out of control;  inflation is coming soon and the president only brags about what he thinks is a growing economy; the opposite of what is  happening.

5. A refusal to enforce the law.   Allowing the protests of SCOTUS judges, the laws on  immigration, and a lack of support for police.   Crime in all major cities is rising with no remedy from the president or his DOJ.   We need a task force( Elliott Ness style) to clean up the cities; it was done once can be done again.

The direction of our country can be turned around by selecting new leaders and adopting aggressive policies not appeasing our enemies foreign and domestic.  It has to happen soon before it is too late.

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