Friday, October 24, 2008


We have eleven days to go until our country makes one of the most historical and important decisions for our future. This election has foreign and domestic issues that will impact generations of Americans. Consider the following endorsements of the candidates: Barack Obama is supported by William Ayers (former terrorist), Reverend Rice (extremist), Hamas and Hezbollah (Muslim terrorist organizations), Western Europe polls, and the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament to name a few. Senator McCain is supported by US Armed forces at over 3 to 1, a overwhelming number of retired generals and admirals (who understand the war we are in and the enemy we are fighting), and 3 out of 4 of the last Secretary's of State, along with the recent UN Ambassador. These endorsements alone tell the story of why people with discernment and common sense must work to elect John McCain to lead our nation in a dangerous time.

1 comment:

Mike and Char said...

You're absolutely right Steve....I think the "get out the vote" effort will be key to McCain's election. I think he's homed in on Obama's sleazy character that enough folks are how to get those same folks to the polls?