Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's time to vote!

This blog has presented information to help wake up America to the threat of an Obama presidency. We have six days to make the right choice. Here are six hard facts about what you know about Senator Obama,. (1) Little experience on national issues; he has never sponsored any significant legislation.
(2) The people he has associated with over many years are radicals, anti-country, and very liberal. (3) He has been rated on non partisan lists as one of the two most liberal senators. (4) He has a record of being wrong on foreign policy issues; Iraq surge, Iran, and the Russian invasion of Georgia. (5) He has a record of supporting higher taxes, he favors expanding government programs in health care, he is on the record as favoring income re-distribution from 2001 to date. (6) He has been endorsed and openly favored by America's enemies. These are not opinions, they are facts to consider before the vote; Senator Obama has an extreme liberal philosophy of how he will govern that is supported by the individuals he associates with, the statements he has made, and his voting record. He is risky, not ready, and a danger for America.

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