Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Swift Boats of 2008

The Facts were that the Swift Boat guys in 2004 were Vietnam Veterans who cared enough to get active in the election of that year and share their first hand experiences and "facts" on John Kerry. We will never know if their mission might have helped prevent Kerry's election, which would have been a step back in the war on terror. Now in 2008, we need Vietnam Veterans to step forward again and remind the American people that this election needs to focus on facts not rhetoric. We have an extremely well qualified patriot running against someone without experience but with great charisma and communication skills; we dare not go down that road. Here are some facts we can focus on:

1. In recent elections we have had "minority presidents" (less than 50% of the vote), President Clinton had around 43%, and Bush less than 50% the first term. Now realize that 35-40% of the American people support President Bush, that is close to what elected him. He has protected our nation for over 7 years, we have carried the battle to the home of the enemy, the economy is not "in recession", unemployment is good, and only the press tells us how bad it is.

2. With that in mind, Vietnam Veterans need to go on the offensive in 2008, reminding our citizens of the positives, and the dangers of giving up the gains we have fought for over the past seven years. We must continue to achieve victory in Iraq, and take the next steps to defeat radical Islam, the sooner the better.

3. Senator Obama has no plan, very little understanding of the threat, no experience in international diplomacy, and seems to be under the false assumption that he can talk to our enemies who have the stated purpose of killing him along with the rest of us.

4. Vietnam Veterans can join with the 35-40% of Americans who support our President, and counter the media and Senator Obama's worldview which is wrong for America. Americans must be awakened to the threat and become motivated to consider the facts, and make the right choice for our country.

It is not a question of Senator McCain being the perfect candidate, many young people give that label to Senator Obama because of his attraction. The question for Americans is to consider the facts, the qualifications of the candidates, and the serious threat to our nation over the next four years. Vietnam Veterans can make a difference again in 2008, just as the Swift Boaters did in 2004. We must accept the mission and help wake up America before it is too late!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. 'Nam Vets are uniquely qualified to speak forcefully to the issue of this war we're now engaged in. After all, it was the left and its allies the progressive media, which took that victory on the battlefield, to defeat on the homefront.

From the beginning of our invasion of Iraq, the left and anti-administration voices have loudly proclaimed Iraq as the "new" Vietnam and calling it a quagmire.

From my personal perspective, the only similarity to our struggle in Southeast Asia and the deserts of Iraq; is their intent to have this nation once more shown "wrong" - wrong in motive, morality, humanity and politics. They'll leave nothing negative unsaid or avoid the fabricating and twisting of facts to that aim. Truth, hard truth doesn't sway them. Appeals to their nationalism and sense of patriotism fails to convince them -even when the truth is right there in front of their eyes. The blinded can't see. They're blinded by hate for the very nation which provided them the opportunity to be able to have access to the information they distort. They've collectively made it their belief the United States is the problem and not the refuge and shield from a problem. It's taught them by the schools and colleges. They're inundated with it by films and papers and books, and music. Freedom and freedom of thought have been undone by their very precepts. Too many think freedom means no rules, ethics, common-sense and only relativism and what works-for-the now applies. In other words anarchy.

Well, sadly, that appears to be where we'll be taken if Barack Hussein Obama becomes the President.

For a bunch that always clammors about disenfranchisment, they can't (once more) see that many millions of Americans aren't like them. But like the "Borg" of Star Trek fame - unless we resist to our last breath, we'll be absorbed.

Regretfully, I see a bleak place for myself and people like me in "Amerika" under the sort of leadership we'd get with an Obama and his minions. Freedom, that word they claim to be their banner-is also "relative" to them. My kind will be squashed like bugs.

It very well may be too late to stop, or even slow this process. But by God, I for one won't become them. before that happens I'll go to the hills and fight to the last. Anybody else feel like me out there?