Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Will History Repeat?

Will History Repeat?

Millions of Vietnam Veterans are watching history begin to repeat itself as the debate continues on winning or leaving Iraq. It is a fact that those Vets who served in Vietnam have the first hand experience to address America on the dangers of appeasement and retreat. The fact that after we left Vietnam, it fell very quickly; is that not the danger of leaving Iraq before victory? The reason we left Vietnam was we did not exercise the plans that were in place for a complete victory, and yes we again underestimated the enemy, then came the debate over the war and the American people quit supporting the war effort. That led to a loss of political will and the decision to begin the pull out. It was carefully framed in the context of the Paris Peace Talks, but our enemy had no intent of honoring any agreement, they only wanted US troops out so they could take the country; and they did in a matter of weeks. This history lesson has a familiar theme, Americans need to step back and look at what is happening today, our national debate is being influenced by a press who only reports one side, and by politicians who only want to defeat a sitting President’s party. Public support is declining, it may be followed by a loss of political will, and then retreat. The enemy waits as in 1973, for America to come home, and then we will see history repeat itself in Iraq. We must learn from history before it is too late.

This Veteran wants to say a word of support for our current President. He led when we were attacked, and he continues to lead in spite of the vicious unwarranted and undeserved personal attacks. He has stayed the course, and Americans should look at the facts and give him their support. We have people in our nation that should be ashamed of their words during a time of war. Vietnam Vets will remember the words we heard that were divisive and broke down the unity of our citizen’s support of the national effort in Vietnam. Veterans need to speak out in 2008!

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